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How to Make a Vase out of a Plastic Bottle


Decorative vases for your flowers can be expensive and fragile. Fortunately, making your own vases is easy! For one option. all you need are a pair of scissors and an empty plastic bottle. Cut the top off the bottle and make strips around the border. Then fold those strips into a decorative design. For another option, decorate the vase with paint and stickers. This is a great activity for kids. Making a vase out of used plastic bottles is a fun and environmentally-friendly activity that allows you to decorate your home with bouquets of beautiful flowers. 


    Method 1
    Folding the Bottle into a Design

    1. 1
      Cut the top off any size plastic bottle just below where it curves inward. Most plastic bottles curve inward about a third of the way up, making a triangle for the cap to go on top of. Find where the bottle starts curving and place the tip of a utility knife just below that. Then cut around the bottle in a straight line until you come back to the starting point and the top of the bottle detaches.[1]
      • Try to keep the cut as level as possible, but don’t worry if you curve a little bit. You can even out the line in the next step.
      • If you need a smaller vase, you can also cut the bottle at the lower point.
      • Be very careful cutting the bottle. Keep your fingers away from the blade and always cut away from your body.
    2. 2
      Even out the top of the cut with scissors. Make the top of the cut as even as possible. Use scissors and smooth out any uneven spots by snipping them off. Work around the bottle perimeter until the edge is even.[2]
      • The edges don’t have to be perfectly even. Just avoid any large bulges or curves that are out of line with the rest of the border.
  1. 3
    Cut strips 2 in (5.1 cm) down and 12 in (1.3 cm) apart around the bottle. Take scissors and cut a straight line 2 in (5.1 cm) down from the top of the bottle. Then move the scissors 12 in (1.3 cm) from that line and make an identical cut. Continue working in that same pattern until the whole bottle perimeter is divided into plastic strips.[3]
    • Make sure the bottoms of these strips are even with each other, or the folds won’t be even later on.
  3. 4
    Fold the strips outward to open the bottle up. Work around the bottle perimeter and fold each strip out. Then turn the bottle upside down and press it down on a table or similar flat surface. Hold it down for a minute so the strips flatten.[4]
    • When you’re done, the strips should be nearly flat as they extend from the bottle.
  5. 5
    Loop a strip over the strip next to it. Pick any strip around the bottle. Grab it by the tip and fold it to the right, over the strip immediately next to it. Aim to insert the strip into the space on the right side of the adjacent strip.[5]
    • You can start going to the left as well, but once you pick a direction you have to stick with it to work around the whole bottle.
  7. 6
    Tuck that strip underneath the next strip. Continue folding the plastic until you reach the strip next to the one you folded it over. Fold it underneath this strip so it rests in place.[6]
    • The strip may not stay put immediately. Tuck it in tightly so it stays secure. As you work around the bottle, you’ll get used to the correct motion to make the strips stay in place.
    • Depending on how far you cut the bottle down, each strip may cover 3 strips instead of 2. This is okay. Tuck the plastic under the third strip as well.
    1. 7
      Work in that same pattern around the whole bottle. Repeat the same motion of folding each strip over the one directly next to it and under the one next to that. Continue until all the strips around the bottle perimeter are folded and tucked.[7]
      • Make sure no strips pop out while you’re working. Go back and tuck them back in if any come loose.
      • Check that the folds are all even with each other. Make sure the folds are all roughly the same length and shape. If any are loose or out of shape, pull them out and tuck them back in so they’re consistent with the rest of the folds.
    2. 8
      Fill the bottle with water and flowers. With your vase complete, you can now fill it up. Pour water in about halfway up the bottle. Then insert the flowers and pick a nice, visible location to show off your handiwork.[8]
      • If you have a large bouquet, then place a few rocks at the bottom of the bottle so it doesn’t tip over.
      • If you have many flowers, then continue this project with multiple bottles to create a nice flower display.

    Method 2
    Decorating the Bottle

    1. 1
      Cut the top of the bottle off. Find the spot near the top of the bottle where it starts to curve inward. Take a utility knife and pierce the plastic with the knife tip. Cut around the bottle until the top detaches.[9]
      • Be very careful when cutting the bottle. Keep your fingers away from the blade.
      • If you don't have a utility knife, you could also use scissors. Press one tip through the plastic. Then snip around the bottle to cut off the top.
  9. 2
    Draw a design along the edge of the bottle with a marker. Pick a pattern that you'd like for the top of your vase. An easy choice is a series of semicircular lines for a rounded top. Take a permanent marker and draw a semicircle that touches the top edge of the bottle, about the size of a quarter. Repeat this shape along the whole edge until you work all the way around.[10]
    • You can make other designs too, but be careful about making them complicated. Remember, you still have to cut the design out.
    • If you don't want a design along the top of the vase and prefer it to be straight, then skip this step.
  11. 3
    Trim along the line to make the design on the bottle. Take scissors and cut out the shapes. Trim along the lines you drew to cut the design into the top of the bottle.[11]
    • Check that the bottle edges are smooth when you're done. Round out any uneven spots with more trimming if you have to.

  13. 4
    Paint the bottle a color of your choosing. The best paints for painting on plastic are acrylic or spray paint. Choose one of these types and pick a color for your vase. If you want, you can also use multiple colors on the vase. Alternatively, leave some sections clear and paint in others for a nice effect. You have lots of options for painting your vase.[12]
    • If you spray paint, make sure to do it in an open area and cover anything that could get paint on it.
    • The bottle may need 2 coats of paint. Apply the first coat and let it dry. If you can still see the plastic through the paint, then add another coat.
  14. 5
    Place rhinestones or stickers around the bottle for extra decoration. If you want more decoration, these are great options. Apply hot glue to rhinestones and stick them around the bottle. You can also use decorative stickers for a simpler approach.[13]
    • This is a great activity for kids. Give them a pack of stickers and let them decorate the vase however they want. Since it's plastic, you don't have to worry about them breaking it.


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